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( This Biography has been edited down from the original. Additional information can be found on the website listed above.)

LUOYI PAN started performing and acting on Shanghai TV at the age of 12  and continued very young an amazing career at the age of 15 in Beijing, China as a print model for face and hair brands in video and fashion industry magazines. She would later go on to appear in many Chinese movies and TV shows. She became the star spokesperson for Latin Winery and New Zealand Apple. LUOYI would also perform as a Theater actress and Musian Artist.

Her musical accolades are many with her education. LUOYI studied classical music, as well as opera, with her Father since she was a child. Later she would also study at the Xing Zhi Conservatory of Music, now known as the Shanghai Normal University. She would later be signed by the founder of Hong Kong's Red Ink Recording Company, along with the famous British President of Rueters, to record Jazz records with an Asian Cultural style. A British composer invited her to the UK to record but due to British Land Contract, a loose cooperation model and visa issues, nothing much came from either of these ventures.

in 2003 the Singapore branch of Ticket Masters was interested in signing a recording and performance contract. In 2005 famous Hollywood TV producer, Michael Sullivan, invited her to come to Hollywood for development. Instead she chose to go to Chicago, where she knew Artist/Musician LUDDY to record JOMO's record with an American producer. LUOYI signed a contract with Chinese musicians Yang Kun and Chen Lin's company, Bamboo Book Records. In the first year of the contract, LUOYI PAN and LUDDY's songs recorded in the United States won BEST ARTIST AWARD and BEST SONG AWARD.

In 2010 the JOMO electronic band, formed by LUOYI PAN and LUDDY, won the uppermost award in China: THE GOLDEN MELODY AWARD( Equivilent to the US Grammy Award) for BEST ELECTRONIC ARTIST AWARD. JOMO had opened a new page in ASIA as China's first world and international pioneering electronic music label.

LUOYI signed a contract in 2014 with China National Music Base/Shanghai Audio and Video, a music label co-founded by Sunny, a principal member of the management of EMI Records in Asia, and Zhang yan bin, founder of Rolling Stone Records, a music label promoted by the Shanghai government, nurturing music careers.

In 2017 LUOYI PAN moved to San Diego to start a new journey then later started JOMO Media and Music Studio in Las Vegas, NV, where she resides today. Known throughout the years drawing interest for her incredible talents and beautiful voice, her journey continues.

For more information about    LUOYI PAN   feel free to contact us at:    or text to:     801.660.5253


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